Sunday, August 10, 2008

Shame on Jordan Television

And on Lana Mamkegh.

On the morning that the whole literary and Arab worlds are mourning Mahmoud Darwish, the Jordan Television has nothing better to present on its morning show except an interview on laser surgery.

What makes this a bigger shame is that the presenter is non-other than Lana Mamkegh, a writer herself who out of all people knows the hefty loss that we endure with Darwish's passing.

Instructions from "up above" might now come to do something. But whatever they do, they would be doing too little, too late.

Darwish is a great figure, and maybe it is a blessing in disguise that he was not mourned by JTV. Tribute by such mediocre institutions might not be a tribute at all!


Hareega said...

not too surprising

NasEr said...

shame!...wallahe 3aib!!!!

Tallouza said...

hareega, these guys got us used to mediocrity that we no longer question nor get surprised when they screw up royally.

naser...those in charge of JTV don't seem to know the meaning of shame. Kama hum wulla 3allayhem. Just look who is at the helm of this decaying institution.

Maher said...

you have to be kiddin me!

lets say the JTV wants to have more viewers, and believe me if there werent stupid, they would know that you get more viewers for that than the stupid surgery!

Waleed Khamis said...

really not too surprising, JTV doesn't work on its own. Its a policy not to fuel people. Not only there but inside mosques and on newspapers

Anonymous said...

did anyone check Lana Mamkegh fan page on FB...
Something scary is there...
Click: مامكغ لانا الدكتورة محبي